Welcome to the introduction of brainymotions exam preperation. You are in the right place to get the exam preperation for a Microsoft certification after you have already consolidated your skills by attending training sessions. Microsoft certifications are a globally recognized and industry-recognized proof of skills mastery in a digital and cloud-based enterprise.
On this page, we introduce you to brainymotion’s exam preparation to ease your way to a successful certification. Our exam preperation is suitable for beginners, advanced learners and also re-certifiers.
Best of all, our exam preparation training session is co-financed by brainymotion. You can find out more about it right on this page.
We wish you every success in achieving your goal.
Your brainymotion team
Imagine having all exam-related contents, exercises, a great community and even a trainer united on single platform! Search no longer! This is exactly what we from brainymotion can offer! Our exam preparation approach! No more spending hours on numerous searches of non-serious sources, checking webpages for good quality when it comes to study groups or exam questions.
How does it work? You will receive your own log-In data to access the learning environment. In our learning environment, you have access to all materials, contact to the community (trainer and trainees) around the clock specifically for your topic (e.g. Azure Architect AZ-303+304).
Personal exchange is also taken care of: You can get in touch with the community via chat and clarify your questions individually with a certified live trainer from brainymotion.
Due to the cooperation between brainymotion and DTAG, we have a very special price for you: This package costs only 490,00 € instead of the usual 690,00 €. After payment you will have access to all listed features for the duration of 14 days (two consecutive calendar weeks).
Optimally prepared for your exam
All services for you at a glance.
You get your own access to the learning environment and can use it to access all materials and contact the community around the clock for the duration of two calendar weeks of your choice. The trainer is available during selected time periods, which you can find in the calendar in your portal and book accordingly. This offer is not a classic training format but a community based, trainer-supported self-study in a protected learning environment, where you will find all important contents and services under one roof. For a comfortable and professional preparation regarding your Microsoft exam!
>For German employees: Please use the following booking process to book a class seat.
>For LBU, PoPs and other Telekom segments: Payment may be via purchase order or credit card. Please contact brainymotion directly.
No matter if you are a fundamental, advanced rolebased or a re-certification participant, we have the right exam preparation and support for you. You can choose between brainymotion´s exam preparation and the self-study platform of Microsoft.
The exam preparation of brainymotion offers you a 14 day preparation with a dedicated trainer, materials to study, videos and even practice exams to get prepared. Microsofts self-study platform has also a lot of materials and videos, but you have to find the needed materials on your own.
Just choose between the fundamental tab, advanced rolebased tab or for re-certification tab to see the details for the exam preperation.
You may have already participated in a Microsoft On-Demand Course or you are momentarily deciding which course to choose. The next step is the exam. To get the certificate, you need to pass an exam. exam preparation by brainymotion will help you to achive that goal.
You have completed the fundamentals and achieved the certificate. You are now ready to develop your skills by applying for an advanced rolebased certification. Our exam preparation by brainymotion can be used to prepare you for this kind of exam too.
Nearly 12 months have passed. Microsoft certification need to be annually re-certified. Every year things change – especially in the IT segment. Get your knowledge up to speed, take an exam preparation from brainymotion.
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