PL-600T00: Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect

Der Solution Architekt ist für den erfolgreichen Entwurf, die Implementierung, die Bereitstellung und die Annahme einer Gesamtlösung verantwortlich. Der Solution Architekt stellt sicher, dass die Lösung die Anforderungen des Kunden jetzt und in Zukunft erfüllt.

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Wichtige Information

Dieses Training behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Examen: Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Solution Architect Expert

Was werden Sie in diesem Training erlernen?

In diesem Kurs lernen die Teilnehmer die Entscheidungen kennen, die ein Solution Architekt während einer Implementierung trifft, und zwar in den Bereichen Sicherheit, Integrationen, Power Apps-Architektur, Power Automate-Architektur und mehr. Dieser Kurs soll eine Einführung in die Rolle des Solution Architekt geben.


Becoming a solution architect for Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform
Introduction to becoming a solution architect
Existing product and platform skills
Expectations of a solution architect
Solution architect role during project phases
Discover customer needs as a Solution Architect for Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform
Introduction and discovery overview
Initial customer discovery
Customer discovery meetings
Customer communication strategy
Propose a solution as a Solution Architect for Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365
Introduction and overview to proposing a solution
Identify solution components
Develop and validate a demo
Identify potential third-party components
Recognize strengths and weaknesses in a solution
Work with requirements for Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365
Lead requirement capture sessions
Identify functional requirements
Identify non-functional requirements
Perform fit gap analysis
Introduction to fit gap analysis
Determine feasibility of requirements
Refine requirements from proof of concept insights
Categorize business requirements and perform gap fit analysis
Evaluate Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform apps
Solution Architect series: Implement project governance for Power Platform and Dynamics 365
Introduction to project governance
Project governance
Solution architect’s role in project governance
Techniques for keeping a project on track
Solution Architect series: Power Platform architecture
Environment data location
Work with data
Custom logic
Platform limits
Solution architect series: Model data for Power Platform solutions
Common Data Model
Data modeling
Choose a data store
Data modeling for Dataverse
Best practices for Dataverse
Exercise - Model data
Architecture of Fabrikam data model and devices
Report data and handle primary visitors
Handle visitors, waivers, and photos
Solution Architect series: Evaluate Power Platform analytics and AI
Power Platform reporting capabilities
Power BI overview
Data requirements
Power BI and Power Platform
Solution Architect series: Explore Power Apps architecture
Common app patterns
App composition
Optimize canvas apps
Microsoft Teams and Power Apps
Solution Architect series: Plan application lifecycle management for Power Platform
Key considerations for ALM
Configuration and reference data
Release process
Explore Power Automate architecture
Common actions
Error handling
Best practice
Solution architect series: Model security for Power Platform solutions
Environment security
Data loss prevention
Access to Dataverse
Solution Architect series: Implement integrations with Power Platform
Integration challenges
Inbound data integration
Outbound data integration
Solution architect series: Explore Power Virtual Agents
Chatbot building options
Chatbot concepts
Best practices
Integrate chatbots
Power Virtual Agents in Teams
Solution architect series: Explore robotic process automation
Power Automate for desktop
Record and edit tasks
Run desktop flows
Solution Architect series: Testing and go-live
Plan for go-live
Data migration
Senior Consultanten (sowohl funktional als auch technisch), die Solution Architekten werden möchten, oder aktuelle Solution Architekten, die neu in der Rolle sind
Erfahrung im Development mit JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, .NET, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, RESTful Web Services, ASP.NET sowie Power BI Kenntnisse
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