Developing on AWS

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Was werden Sie in diesem Training erlernen?

„*Umfassende Kenntnisse mindestens einer der wesentlichen Programmiersprachen *Praktische Erfahrung mit wichtigen AWS-Services und der Implementierung öffentlicher Clouds


Module 0: Course Overview
Student resources
Module 1: Introduction to AWS
Introduction to the AWS Cloud
Cloud scenarios
Infrastructure overview
Introduction to AWS foundation services
Module 2: Introduction to Developing on AWS
Getting started with developing on AWS
Introduction to developer tools
Introduction to management tools
Module 3: Introduction to AWS Identity and Access Management
Shared responsibility model
Introduction to IAM
Use authentication and authorization
Module 4: Introduction to the Lab
Introduction to the lab environment
Lab 1: Getting started and working with IAM
Module 5: Developing Storage Solutions with Amazon Simple Storage Service
Overview of AWS storage options
Amazon S3 key concepts
Best practices
Scenario: Building a complete application
Lab 2: Developing storage solutions with
Module 6: Developing Flexible NoSQL Solutions with Amazon DynamoDB
Introduction to AWS database options
Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB
Developing with DynamoDB
Best practices
Scenario: Building an end-to-end app
Lab 3: Developing flexible NoSQL solutions with Amazon DynamoDB
Module 7: Developing Event-Driven Solutions with AWS Lambda
What is serverless computing?
Introduction to AWS Lambda
Key concepts
How Lambda works
Use cases
Scenario: Build an end-to-end app
Module 8: Developing Solutions with Amazon API Gateway
Introduction to Amazon API Gateway
Developing with API Gateway
Best practices
Introduction to AWS Serverless Application
Scenario: Building an end-to-end app
Lab 4: Developing event-driven solutions
Module 9: Developing Solutions with AWS Step Functions
Understanding the need for Step Functions
Introduction to AWS Step Functions
Use cases
Module 10: Developing Solutions with Amazon Simple Queue Service and Amazon Simple Notification Service
Why use a queueing service?
Developing with Amazon Simple Queue
Developing with Amazon Simple Notification
Developing with Amazon MQ
Scenario: Building an end-to-end app
Lab 5: Developing messaging solutions with Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS
Module 11: Caching Information with Amazon ElastiCache
Caching overview
Caching with Amazon ElastiCache
Caching strategies
Module 12: Developing Secure Applications
Securing your applications
Authenticating your applications to AWS
Authenticating your customers
Scenario: Building an end-to-end app
Module 13: Deploying Applications
Introduction to DevOps
Introduction to deployment and testing strategies
Deploying applications with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Scenario: Building an end-to-end app
Lab 6: Building an end-to-end app
Module 14: Course wrap-up
Course overview
AWS training courses
Course feedback
In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie mit dem AWS SDK sichere und skalierbare Cloud-Anwendungen entwickeln. Wir erläutern die Interaktion mit AWS anhand von Code und diskutieren Schlüsselkonzepte, bewährte Methoden und Tipps zur Fehlerbehebung. *Das AWS SDK und die Anmeldedaten für Java, C#/.NET und Python einrichten *Mit AWS-Services interagieren und Lösungen mithilfe des AWS SDK entwickeln *AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) für die Service-Authentifizierung verwenden *Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) und Amazon DynamoDB als Datenspeicher verwenden
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