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Architecting on AWS

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Was werden Sie in diesem Training erlernen?

Anhand einer Reihe von Anwendungsszenarien und praktischem Lernen lernen Sie, Services und Funktionen zu identifizieren, um belastbare, sichere und hochverfügbare IT-Lösungen in der AWS-Cloud aufzubauen. Erfahrene AWS-Trainer betonen die Best Practices mit dem AWS Well-Architected Framework und führen Sie durch den Prozess des Entwurfs optimaler IT-Lösungen, basierend auf realen Szenarien. Am Ende des Kurses üben Sie, eine Lösung zu erstellen und das Gelernte sicher anzuwenden. *Identifizierung der grundlegenden AWS-Architekturverfahren *Identifizieren von Services und Funktionen zum Aufbau belastbarer, sicherer und hochverfügbarer IT-Lösungen in der AWS-Cloud *Lernen Sie den Prozess des Entwurfs optimaler IT-Lösungen mit dem AWS Well-Architected Framework, basierend auf realen Szenarien *Entdecken Sie die AWS-Services für Kontosicherheit, Netzwerke, Rechenleistung, Speicher, Datenbanken, Überwachung, Automatisierung, Container, serverlose Architektur, Edge-Services sowie Sicherung und Wiederherstellung.


Module 0: Introductions & Course Map review
Welcome and course outcomes
Module 0: Introductions & Course Map review
Welcome and course outcomes
Module 0: Introductions & Course Map review
Welcome and course outcomes
Module 1: Architecting Fundamentals Review
AWS Services and Infrastructure
Infrastructure Models
Securing your infrastructure
The Well-Architected Framework
Hands-on lab: Explore Using the AWS API Tools to Deploy an EC2 Instance
Module 1: Architecting Fundamentals Review
AWS Services and Infrastructure
Infrastructure Models
Securing your infrastructure
The Well-Architected Framework
Hands-on lab: Explore Using the AWS API Tools to Deploy an EC2 Instance
Module 1: Architecting Fundamentals Review
AWS Services and Infrastructure
Infrastructure Models
Securing your infrastructure
The Well-Architected Framework
Hands-on lab: Explore Using the AWS API Tools to Deploy an EC2 Instance
Module 2: Account Security
Security Principals
Identity and Resource-Based Policies
Account Federation
Introduction to Managing Multiple Accounts
Module 2: Account Security
Security Principals
Identity and Resource-Based Policies
Account Federation
Introduction to Managing Multiple Accounts
Module 2: Account Security
Security Principals
Identity and Resource-Based Policies
Account Federation
Introduction to Managing Multiple Accounts
Module 3: Networking, Part 1
IP Addressing
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Patterns and Quotas
Internet Access
Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
Security Groups
Module 3: Networking, Part 1
IP Addressing
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Patterns and Quotas
Internet Access
Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
Security Groups
Module 3: Networking, Part 1
IP Addressing
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Patterns and Quotas
Internet Access
Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
Security Groups
Module 4: Compute
Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)
EC2 Instances and Instance Selection
High Performance Computing on AWS
Lambda and EC2, When to Use Which
Hands-On Lab: Build Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure
Module 4: Compute
Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)
EC2 Instances and Instance Selection
High Performance Computing on AWS
Lambda and EC2, When to Use Which
Hands-On Lab: Build Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure
Module 4: Compute
Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)
EC2 Instances and Instance Selection
High Performance Computing on AWS
Lambda and EC2, When to Use Which
Hands-On Lab: Build Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure
Module 5: Storage
Shared File Systems
Shared EBS Volumes
Amazon S3, Security, Versioning and Storage Classes
Data Migration Tools
Module 5: Storage
Shared File Systems
Shared EBS Volumes
Amazon S3, Security, Versioning and Storage Classes
Data Migration Tools
Module 5: Storage
Shared File Systems
Shared EBS Volumes
Amazon S3, Security, Versioning and Storage Classes
Data Migration Tools
Module 6: Database Services
AWS Database Solutions
Amazon Relational Database Services (RDS)
DynamoDB, Features and Use Cases
Redshift, Features, Use Cases and Comparison with RDS
Caching and Migrating Data
Hands-on Lab: Create a Database Layer in Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure
Module 6: Database Services
AWS Database Solutions
Amazon Relational Database Services (RDS)
DynamoDB, Features and Use Cases
Redshift, Features, Use Cases and Comparison with RDS
Caching and Migrating Data
Hands-on Lab: Create a Database Layer in Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure
Module 6: Database Services
AWS Database Solutions
Amazon Relational Database Services (RDS)
DynamoDB, Features and Use Cases
Redshift, Features, Use Cases and Comparison with RDS
Caching and Migrating Data
Hands-on Lab: Create a Database Layer in Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure
Module 7: Monitoring and Scaling
Monitoring: CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and VPC Flow Logs
Invoking Events
Elastic Load Balancing
Auto Scaling Options and Monitoring Cost
Hands-on Lab: Configure High Availability in Your Amazon VPC
Module 7: Monitoring and Scaling
Monitoring: CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and VPC Flow Logs
Invoking Events
Elastic Load Balancing
Auto Scaling Options and Monitoring Cost
Hands-on Lab: Configure High Availability in Your Amazon VPC
Module 7: Monitoring and Scaling
Monitoring: CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and VPC Flow Logs
Invoking Events
Elastic Load Balancing
Auto Scaling Options and Monitoring Cost
Hands-on Lab: Configure High Availability in Your Amazon VPC
Module 8: Automation
AWS Systems Manager
Module 8: Automation
AWS Systems Manager
Module 8: Automation
AWS Systems Manager
Module 9: Containers
Monitoring Microservices with X-Ray
Module 9: Containers
Monitoring Microservices with X-Ray
Module 9: Containers
Monitoring Microservices with X-Ray
Module 10: Networking Part 2
VPC Peering & Endpoints
Transit Gateway
Hybrid Networking
Route 53
Module 10: Networking Part 2
VPC Peering & Endpoints
Transit Gateway
Hybrid Networking
Route 53
Module 10: Networking Part 2
VPC Peering & Endpoints
Transit Gateway
Hybrid Networking
Route 53
Module 11: Serverless Architecture
Amazon API Gateway
Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams & Kinesis Firehose
Step Functions
Compare Amazon SQS to Amazon MQ
Hands-on Lab: Build a Serverless Architecture
Module 11: Serverless Architecture
Amazon API Gateway
Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams & Kinesis Firehose
Step Functions
Compare Amazon SQS to Amazon MQ
Hands-on Lab: Build a Serverless Architecture
Module 11: Serverless Architecture
Amazon API Gateway
Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams & Kinesis Firehose
Step Functions
Compare Amazon SQS to Amazon MQ
Hands-on Lab: Build a Serverless Architecture
Module 12: Edge Services
Amazon CloudFront
AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF), DDoS and Firewall Manager
Compare AWS Global Accelerator and Amazon CloudFront
AWS Outposts
Hands-On Lab: Configure an Amazon CloudFront Distribution with an Amazon S3 Origin
Module 12: Edge Services
Amazon CloudFront
AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF), DDoS and Firewall Manager
Compare AWS Global Accelerator and Amazon CloudFront
AWS Outposts
Hands-On Lab: Configure an Amazon CloudFront Distribution with an Amazon S3 Origin
Module 12: Edge Services
Amazon CloudFront
AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF), DDoS and Firewall Manager
Compare AWS Global Accelerator and Amazon CloudFront
AWS Outposts
Hands-On Lab: Configure an Amazon CloudFront Distribution with an Amazon S3 Origin
Module 13: Backup and Recovery
Planning for Disaster Recovery
AWS Backup
Recovery Strategies
Module 13: Backup and Recovery
Planning for Disaster Recovery
AWS Backup
Recovery Strategies
Module 13: Backup and Recovery
Planning for Disaster Recovery
AWS Backup
Recovery Strategies
Capstone Lab: Build an AWS Multi-Tier Architecture
Participants review the concepts and services learned in class and build a solution based on a scenario. The lab environment provides partial solutions to promote analysis and reflection. Participants deploy a highly available architecture. The instructor is available for consultation.
Use the Online Course Supplement (OCS) to review use cases, investigate data, and answer architecting design questions.
Capstone Lab: Build an AWS Multi-Tier Architecture
Participants review the concepts and services learned in class and build a solution based on a scenario. The lab environment provides partial solutions to promote analysis and reflection. Participants deploy a highly available architecture. The instructor is available for consultation.
Use the Online Course Supplement (OCS) to review use cases, investigate data, and answer architecting design questions.
Capstone Lab: Build an AWS Multi-Tier Architecture
Participants review the concepts and services learned in class and build a solution based on a scenario. The lab environment provides partial solutions to promote analysis and reflection. Participants deploy a highly available architecture. The instructor is available for consultation.
Use the Online Course Supplement (OCS) to review use cases, investigate data, and answer architecting design questions.
Participate in team based challenges in a real AWS environment
Compete with your colleagues in a gamified, hands-on learning experience
Apply your learning from the course on various AWS services
Participate in team based challenges in a real AWS environment
Compete with your colleagues in a gamified, hands-on learning experience
Apply your learning from the course on various AWS services
Lösungsarchitekten Lösungskonzept-Ingenieure Entwickler, die ein Verständnis für die AWS-Architektur suchen
Teilnahme an AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Praktische Erfahrung mit verteilten Systemen Arbeitserfahrung mit allgemeinen Netzwerkkonzepten Arbeitserfahrung mit IP-Adressierung Kenntnisse über mehrstufige Architekturen Verständnis von Cloud Computing-Konzepten


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