Red Hat Learning Subscription (14-DAY FREE TRIAL)

START LEARNING WITH YOUR 14-DAY FREE TRIAL To succeed with software, organizations need a knowledgeable team—and a learning solution that is quick, effective, and prescriptive. Red Hat Learning Subscription offers a catalog of on-demand content from across the Red Hat portfolio plus features like cloud-based labs, certification exams, and early access content to help you keep pace with Red Hat technologies. As an authorized Red Hat partner, we invite you to take advantage of a 14-day free trial. With your access, you will get a preview of the learning subscription portal, access to chapters 1 & 2 of every course in the catalog, and 4 hours of cloud-based lab time. Because this offering is in partnership with Red Hat, you will need to set up a Red Hat ID, if you do not have one already, to login to on the next page. Once you have logged in, simply fill out the form to request trial access.

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Nehmen Sie an einem unserer Standorte Frankfurt, München und Wien oder virtuell an unseren Klassenraumtrainings teil. Unter „Termin buchen“ werden Ihnen alle Optionen angezeigt, zuerst sortiert nach Standort, dann nach Datum.

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Red Hat


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