

Jobnet.kompakt is your personal go-to place for daily updated job offers.

You have moved to Germany recently and are looking for professional support in finding a job and creating a convincing resume?

We offer you a starting point for an individual integration strategy that is adapted to your needs.

In just 60 minutes, you will receive meaningful results in a comprehensive „ZukunftsProfil“ report that reflects your potential, abilities and growth points. Our coaching is tailored to your goals AND your language!

Our JobCoaches support you in individual coaching sessions to help you create application documents (CV and motivation letter) that are not only professional, but also perfectly reflect your personal profile.

What is our secret? A groundbreaking online technology JobIMPULS, which, in combination with the experience of our coaches, makes sure that you find the right vacancies and get a clear picture of the local labour market.

Contents at a glance:

  • Introduction and definition of individual action steps  
  • Coaching in various languages (DE/ENG/RUS) 
  • Creation of an individual potential analysis
  • „FutureProfile“ in 60 minutes 
  • Online and flexible 
  • JobIMPULS with direct access to suitable vacancies 
  • Development of a CV and motivation letter  
  • Support throughout the job search process and update of documents 

Your coaching overview

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