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DevOps Engineering on AWS with Jam

Der AWS Jam bietet ein immersives Erlebnis mit verschiedenen spielerischen Elementen wie Zusammenarbeit, Wettbewerb, Echtzeit-Bewertung und relevanten Hinweisen im Szenario. Die Teilnehmer bilden Teams und treten in einem freundschaftlichen Wettbewerb an, um durch die Lösung einer Reihe realer Herausforderungen ihre AWS-Cloud-Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und an die Spitze der Rangliste zu gelangen. Das Ziel besteht darin, theoretische Kenntnisse, die während des vorherigen Kurses erworben wurden, in praktisches angewandtes Wissen und praktische Erfahrungen umzuwandeln, und dies in einer sicheren Umgebung zu tun.

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Was werden Sie in diesem Training erlernen?

In DevOps Engineering on AWS erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Kombination von DevOps-Kulturphilosophien, -Praktiken und -Tools verwenden, um die Fähigkeit Ihres Unternehmens zu verbessern, Anwendungen und Dienste in AWS mit hoher Geschwindigkeit zu entwickeln, bereitzustellen und zu warten. Dieser Kurs behandelt die kontinuierliche Integration (CI), die kontinuierliche Bereitstellung (CD), die Infrastruktur als Code, Microservices, Überwachung und Protokollierung sowie Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit. In praktischen Übungen können Sie AWS-CloudFormation-Vorlagen und CI-/CD-Pipelines erstellen und bereitstellen, mit denen Anwendungen in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), serverlose und containergestützte Anwendungen erstellt und bereitgestellt werden. Labore für Multi-Pipeline-Workflows und Pipelines, die in mehreren Umgebungen bereitgestellt werden, sind ebenfalls enthalten. *Verwenden der Best Practices von DevOps, um Anwendungen und Dienste in AWS mit hoher Geschwindigkeit zu entwickeln, bereitzustellen und zu warten *Auflisten der Vorteile, Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten kleiner, autonomer DevOps-Teams *Entwerfen und implementieren Sie eine Infrastruktur in AWS, die DevOps-Entwicklungsprojekte unterstützt. *Verwenden von AWS Cloud9, um Ihren Code zu schreiben, auszuführen und zu debuggen Der letzte (vierte) Tag wird als AWS Jam veranstaltet, ein spielerisches Ereignis, bei dem die Teilnehmer in Teams aufgeteilt werden und in einer Reihe von Best-Practice-Herausforderungen antreten, die auf den im Kurs behandelten Konzepten basieren. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Ihr während des Kurses erworbenes Wissen in einer sicheren und realen AWS-Umgebung anzuwenden und Punkte zu sammeln, wenn Sie die Herausforderungen korrekt lösen. Alle Herausforderungen basieren auf realen Szenarien, die gängige operative und Fehlerbehebungsaufgaben darstellen, die für Ihre berufliche Rolle relevant sind. Das Ziel eines AWS Jam besteht darin, Ihre Fähigkeiten in der AWS-Cloud zu entwickeln, zu verbessern und zu validieren sowie sich darauf vorzubereiten, Ihre praktischen Fähigkeiten in Ihrem täglichen Job einzusetzen.


Module 0: Course overview
Course objective
Suggested prerequisites
Course overview breakdown
Module 0: Course overview
Course objective
Suggested prerequisites
Course overview breakdown
Module 0: Course overview
Course objective
Suggested prerequisites
Course overview breakdown
Module 1: Introduction to DevOps
What is DevOps?
The Amazon journey to DevOps
Foundations for DevOps
Module 1: Introduction to DevOps
What is DevOps?
The Amazon journey to DevOps
Foundations for DevOps
Module 1: Introduction to DevOps
What is DevOps?
The Amazon journey to DevOps
Foundations for DevOps
Module 2: Infrastructure Automation
Introduction to Infrastructure Automation
Diving into the AWS CloudFormation template
Modifying an AWS CloudFormation template
Demonstration: AWS CloudFormation template structure, parameters, stacks, updates, importing resources, and drift detection
Module 2: Infrastructure Automation
Introduction to Infrastructure Automation
Diving into the AWS CloudFormation template
Modifying an AWS CloudFormation template
Demonstration: AWS CloudFormation template structure, parameters, stacks, updates, importing resources, and drift detection
Module 2: Infrastructure Automation
Introduction to Infrastructure Automation
Diving into the AWS CloudFormation template
Modifying an AWS CloudFormation template
Demonstration: AWS CloudFormation template structure, parameters, stacks, updates, importing resources, and drift detection
Module 3: AWS Toolkits
Configuring the AWS CLI
AWS Software Development Kits (AWS SDKs)
AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)
AWS Cloud9
Demonstration: AWS CLI and AWS CDK
Hands-on lab: Using AWS CloudFormation to provision and manage a basic infrastructure
Module 3: AWS Toolkits
Configuring the AWS CLI
AWS Software Development Kits (AWS SDKs)
AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)
AWS Cloud9
Demonstration: AWS CLI and AWS CDK
Hands-on lab: Using AWS CloudFormation to provision and manage a basic infrastructure
Module 3: AWS Toolkits
Configuring the AWS CLI
AWS Software Development Kits (AWS SDKs)
AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)
AWS Cloud9
Demonstration: AWS CLI and AWS CDK
Hands-on lab: Using AWS CloudFormation to provision and manage a basic infrastructure
Module 4: Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) with development tools
CI/CD Pipeline and Dev Tools
Demonstration: CI/CD pipeline displaying some actions from AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline
Hands-on lab: Deploying an application to an EC2 fleet using AWS CodeDeploy
AWS CodePipeline
Demonstration: AWS integration with Jenkins
Hands-on lab: Automating code deployments using AWS CodePipeline
Module 4: Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) with development tools
CI/CD Pipeline and Dev Tools
Demonstration: CI/CD pipeline displaying some actions from AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline
Hands-on lab: Deploying an application to an EC2 fleet using AWS CodeDeploy
AWS CodePipeline
Demonstration: AWS integration with Jenkins
Hands-on lab: Automating code deployments using AWS CodePipeline
Module 4: Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) with development tools
CI/CD Pipeline and Dev Tools
Demonstration: CI/CD pipeline displaying some actions from AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline
Hands-on lab: Deploying an application to an EC2 fleet using AWS CodeDeploy
AWS CodePipeline
Demonstration: AWS integration with Jenkins
Hands-on lab: Automating code deployments using AWS CodePipeline
Module 5: Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices
Module 5: Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices
Module 5: Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices
Module 6: DevOps and containers
Deploying applications with Docker
Amazon Elastic Container Service and AWS Fargate
Amazon Elastic Container Registry and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes service
Demonstration: CI/CD pipeline deployment in a containerized application
Module 6: DevOps and containers
Deploying applications with Docker
Amazon Elastic Container Service and AWS Fargate
Amazon Elastic Container Registry and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes service
Demonstration: CI/CD pipeline deployment in a containerized application
Module 6: DevOps and containers
Deploying applications with Docker
Amazon Elastic Container Service and AWS Fargate
Amazon Elastic Container Registry and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes service
Demonstration: CI/CD pipeline deployment in a containerized application
Module 7: DevOps and serverless computing
AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate
AWS Serverless Application Repository and AWS SAM
AWS Step Functions
Demonstration: AWS Lambda and characteristics
Demonstration: AWS SAM quick start in AWS Cloud9
Hands-on lab: Deploying a serverless application using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) and a CI/CD Pipeline
Module 7: DevOps and serverless computing
AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate
AWS Serverless Application Repository and AWS SAM
AWS Step Functions
Demonstration: AWS Lambda and characteristics
Demonstration: AWS SAM quick start in AWS Cloud9
Hands-on lab: Deploying a serverless application using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) and a CI/CD Pipeline
Module 7: DevOps and serverless computing
AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate
AWS Serverless Application Repository and AWS SAM
AWS Step Functions
Demonstration: AWS Lambda and characteristics
Demonstration: AWS SAM quick start in AWS Cloud9
Hands-on lab: Deploying a serverless application using AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) and a CI/CD Pipeline
Module 8: Deployment strategies
Continuous Deployment
Deployments with AWS Services
Module 8: Deployment strategies
Continuous Deployment
Deployments with AWS Services
Module 8: Deployment strategies
Continuous Deployment
Deployments with AWS Services
Module 9: Automated testing
Introduction to testing
Tests: Unit, integration, fault tolerance, load, and synthetic
Product and service integrations
Module 9: Automated testing
Introduction to testing
Tests: Unit, integration, fault tolerance, load, and synthetic
Product and service integrations
Module 9: Automated testing
Introduction to testing
Tests: Unit, integration, fault tolerance, load, and synthetic
Product and service integrations
Module 10: Security automation
Introduction to DevSecOps
Security of the Pipeline
Security in the Pipeline
Threat Detection Tools
Demonstration: AWS Security Hub, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Config, and Amazon Inspector
Module 10: Security automation
Introduction to DevSecOps
Security of the Pipeline
Security in the Pipeline
Threat Detection Tools
Demonstration: AWS Security Hub, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Config, and Amazon Inspector
Module 10: Security automation
Introduction to DevSecOps
Security of the Pipeline
Security in the Pipeline
Threat Detection Tools
Demonstration: AWS Security Hub, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Config, and Amazon Inspector
Module 11: Configuration management
Introduction to the configuration management process
AWS services and tooling for configuration management
Hands-on lab: Performing blue/green deployments with CI/CD pipelines and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)
Module 11: Configuration management
Introduction to the configuration management process
AWS services and tooling for configuration management
Hands-on lab: Performing blue/green deployments with CI/CD pipelines and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)
Module 11: Configuration management
Introduction to the configuration management process
AWS services and tooling for configuration management
Hands-on lab: Performing blue/green deployments with CI/CD pipelines and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)
Module 12: Observability
Introduction to observability
AWS tools to assist with observability
Hands-on lab: Using AWS DevOps tools for CI/CD pipeline automations
Module 12: Observability
Introduction to observability
AWS tools to assist with observability
Hands-on lab: Using AWS DevOps tools for CI/CD pipeline automations
Module 12: Observability
Introduction to observability
AWS tools to assist with observability
Hands-on lab: Using AWS DevOps tools for CI/CD pipeline automations
Module 13: Reference architecture (Optional module)
Reference architectures
Module 13: Reference architecture (Optional module)
Reference architectures
Module 13: Reference architecture (Optional module)
Reference architectures
Module 14: Course summary
Components of DevOps practice
CI/CD pipeline review
AWS Certification
Module 14: Course summary
Components of DevOps practice
CI/CD pipeline review
AWS Certification
Module 14: Course summary
Components of DevOps practice
CI/CD pipeline review
AWS Certification
Participate in team based challenges in a real AWS environment
Compete with your colleagues in a gamified, hands-on learning experience
Apply your learning from the course on various AWS services
Solve real-world challenges together as a team in a safe AWS environment, guided by your instructor
Compete against other teams to win the challenge with your colleagues and put your AWS skills into action
All challenges are based on the scope of the course and will support your learning curve in a very effective way
Participate in team based challenges in a real AWS environment
Compete with your colleagues in a gamified, hands-on learning experience
Apply your learning from the course on various AWS services
*DevOps-Engineers *DevOps-Architekten *Betriebsingenieure *Systemadministratoren *Entwickler
*Vorherige Teilnahme an den Kursen Systems Operations on AWS oder Developing on AWS *Praktische Kenntnisse in zumindest einer höheren Programmiersprache, wie C#, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python *Fortgeschrittene Anfängerkenntnisse beim Verwalten von Linux- oder Windows-Systemen auf Befehlszeilenebene *Zwei oder mehr Jahre Erfahrung mit Bereitstellung, Betrieb und Verwaltung von AWS-Umgebungen


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