MS-740T00 Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams

In diesem Seminar werden die Kenntnisse vermittelt, um Protokolle und andere Daten überprüfen zu können, die Grundursache eines Problems abzuleiten und eine Lösung für das Problem bereitzustellen.

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Was werden Sie in diesem Training erlernen?


Troubleshoot Microsoft Teams voice issues
Troubleshoot audio and video flow issues
Troubleshoot direct routing issues
Troubleshoot audio and video flow issues
Troubleshoot direct routing issues
Troubleshoot audio and video flow issues
Troubleshoot direct routing issues
Troubleshoot audio and video flow issues
Troubleshoot direct routing issues
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft Teams meetings and live events
Troubleshoot live events issues
Configure and troubleshoot Teams services
Troubleshoot Teams client issues
Troubleshoot messaging issues
Troubleshoot live events issues
Configure and troubleshoot Teams services
Troubleshoot Teams client issues
Troubleshoot messaging issues
Troubleshoot live events issues
Configure and troubleshoot Teams services
Troubleshoot Teams client issues
Troubleshoot messaging issues
Troubleshoot live events issues
Configure and troubleshoot Teams services
Troubleshoot Teams client issues
Troubleshoot messaging issues
Troubleshoot federation issues
Troubleshoot issues interoperating with Skype for Business
Troubleshoot issues interoperating with Skype for Business
Troubleshoot issues interoperating with Skype for Business
Troubleshoot issues interoperating with Skype for Business
Troubleshoot issues signing into Microsoft Teams
Troubleshoot account and network issues
Troubleshoot member sign-in issues
Troubleshoot guest access issues
Troubleshoot account and network issues
Troubleshoot member sign-in issues
Troubleshoot guest access issues
Troubleshoot account and network issues
Troubleshoot member sign-in issues
Troubleshoot guest access issues
Troubleshoot account and network issues
Troubleshoot member sign-in issues
Troubleshoot guest access issues
Troubleshoot teams and channels
Troubleshoot issues with apps
Troubleshoot issues with public and private channels
Troubleshoot issues with apps
Troubleshoot issues with public and private channels
Troubleshoot issues with apps
Troubleshoot issues with public and private channels
Troubleshoot issues with apps
Troubleshoot issues with public and private channels
Troubleshoot issues with files
Troubleshoot person-to-person (P2P) private chat file issues including access and sharing
Troubleshoot person-to-person (P2P) private chat file issues including access and sharing
Troubleshoot person-to-person (P2P) private chat file issues including access and sharing
Troubleshoot person-to-person (P2P) private chat file issues including access and sharing
Supporttechniker, die Microsoft Teams Troubleshooten möchten Teams Administratoren
Netzwerkkenntnisse sowie Azure-Grundlagen Wissen, Wissen zu Telefonie, PowerShell, Datenspeichertechnologien, APIs, App-Sicherheit, Authentifizierung und Autorisierung, Sicherheits- und Compliance-Informationen, Debugging, Leistungsoptimierung und Wissen zur Überwachung.
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