Advanced Configuration Manager Current Branch Training – SCCM595

This 4-day course is designed for the experienced Configuration Manager administrator. During this course you will learn advanced features and the latest features that you can implement in Labs. We will walk you through the constant changes in Configuration Manager and show you how the product has evolved from slow moving software to a true real-time enterprise management system. We’ll also dive deep into the many Cloud Connect scenarios and explain exactly how and where they fit into your environment. The world of enterprise client management is not black or white, it’s about „being better together“ and choosing what makes the most sense for your business from each management option. Of course, the entire course will include troubleshooting best practices for Configuration Manager key features based on the latest Windows Server Edition and Windows endpoints. After the course, you will have a solid understanding of design options, cloud connectivity options, major feature flow, and troubleshooting techniques.

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Was werden Sie in diesem Training erlernen?

What you’ll learn: You will be able to design, deploy, manage, and troubleshoot Configuration Manager in your environment. The course is always based on the latest Current Branch available. You will gain a solid understanding of the following design options, the flow of key functions, and troubleshooting techniques: Fault tolerance and High availability Troubleshooting tools Installing and troubleshooting client deployment Inventory Management Reporting & Queries Application deployment Software updates Endpoint Protection Compliance management Operating System Deployment


Designing Configuration Manager hierarchies
Design fault tolerance and high availability environments
Working with HTTP and HTTPS site systems
Working with DMZ, multi-domain and workgroup environments
Recovery options, restore primary sites
Integrating Microsoft cloud services in the design
Modern Management
Overview of the management options with Configuration Manager and Microsoft Azure
Scoping the Modern Management project
Transforming your environment towards modern management and what it means to your environment
Configuration Manager clients
Installing, configuring and troubleshooting clients
Installing HTTP and HTTPS clients
Working with Internet based clients
Understanding Co-management
Configuration Manager client health
Configuration Manager data
Working with reports
Inventory management
Using CM Pivot to query clients in real time PowerBI
Content Management
Working with and troubleshooting distribution points and distribution point groups
Working with peer caching technologies
Application deployment
Working with the application model
Deploying and managing Office 365
Troubleshooting application deployments
Software Updates
Creating and designing the software update infrastructure
Deploying and troubleshooting Microsoft software updates
Monitoring the software update deployment process
Deploying 3rd. party updates
Windows Autopatch
Deploying Windows endpoints with operating system deployment
Customizing the boot images
Creating and maintaining reference images
Deploying images
Windows Autopilot
Settings Management
Creating and implementing configuration items and baselines
Remediate non-compliant computers and users
IT professionals with experience in Configuration Manager / ConfigMgr / SCCM 2012 R2 / SCCM 2007
Basic knowledge of Active Directory, WSUS and SQL. Basic knowledge and working experience with Configuration Manager.
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