DO417 Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (E) VT

Introduction to performing core system administration tasks by creating and running automation for a Windows Server using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO417) is designed for System administrators, DevOps engineers, and developers who want to learn how to automate the deployment and management of Microsoft Windows servers and applications hosted on them using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. This course is based on Red Hat® Ansible Automation Platform 2.4.

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Was werden Sie in diesem Training erlernen?

– Writing Ansible Playbooks that automate tasks on Microsoft Windows servers – Managing Ansible Playbooks stored in a Git-based version control system – Running Ansible Playbooks by using the automation controller web-based UI – Managing and ensuring software and Windows features are installed and up-to-date using Ansible automation – Writing efficient tasks in Ansible Playbooks by using loops, conditional tests, and handlers – Writing Ansible Playbooks that ensure plays can recover when tasks fail – Deploying, modifying, and managing files with Ansible on your Windows servers, using completed files and Jinja2 templates – Managing local and domain users, managing Active Directory domains, and generating dynamic inventory of managed hosts in automation controller based on domain membership – Automating specific, common Windows Server administration tasks – Reusing existing automation code by using Ansible Content Collections, Ansible Roles, and Ansible integration with PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) resources


Introducing Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
Describe the fundamental concepts of Ansible and how it is used, and install development tools from Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
Preparing for Ansible Operations
Prepare Microsoft Windows hosts for Ansible automation and automation controller to run automation on those hosts
Implementing Ansible Playbooks
Write a simple playbook to automate tasks on multiple Microsoft Windows-based hosts, and then run the playbook with automation controller
Managing Variables and Facts
Write playbooks that use variables to simplify management of the playbook and facts to reference information about managed hosts
Installing and Configuring Software
Install, manage, and ensure software is up to date using Ansible Playbooks.Install, manage, and ensure software is up to date using Ansible Playbooks
Implementing Task Control
Manage task execution using loops, conditional tests, and handlers, and recover when tasks fail
Deploying Files to Managed Hosts
Deploy, modify, and manage files on your managed hosts
Reusing Code with Ansible Roles and Ansible Content Collections
Write playbooks that are optimized for larger and more complex projects and that reuse existing automation code
Interacting with Users and Domains
Manage local and domain users and Active Directory domains on managed hosts, and generate a dynamic inventory of managed hosts in automation controller based on domain membership
Automating Windows Administration Tasks
Automate common Windows Server administration tasks
Comprehensive Review
Review tasks from Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
System administrators, DevOps engineers, and developers who are responsible for automating the deployment and management of Microsoft Windows servers and applications hosted on them using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.
Recommended training: – A basic understanding of Windows Server administration is expected – Students do not need any previous experience with Ansible or Linux – There are no prerequisites for this course
Red Hat


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