MB-330T00: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Dieses Training umfasst Lektionen und verschiedene praktische Übungen. Die Übungen werden Ihnen in Form einer Fallstudie vorgestellt, die einem Functional Consultant für Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management vorgelegt wird. Jede Übung basiert auf einem Geschäftsszenario, gefolgt von einer Frage oder Diskussion und einer Schrittanleitung zum Ausführen der systembezogenen Schritte.

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Dieses Training behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Examen: Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate

Was werden Sie in diesem Training erlernen?

In diesem Training lernen Sie die Grundlagen der Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management-Anwendung kennen. Es werden die wichtigsten Features und Funktionalitäten behandelt, die ein Functional Consultant für Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management benötigt. Dazu zählen: Produktinformationen und das Konfigurieren, Erstellen und Verwalten Ihrer Produkte und Ihres Lagers. Das Konfigurieren und Verarbeiten von Supply Chain Management. Die Features für Transport- und Lagerverwaltung. Funktionen für Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitätskontrolle. Konfiguration und Verarbeitung des Produktprogrammplans.


Get started with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Benefits of Supply Chain Management
Overview of Supply Chain Management
Cost accounting
Cost management
Inventory management and Warehouse management
Master planning
Procurement and sourcing
Vendor collaboration
Sales and marketing
Customer portal
Product information management
Production control
Intercompany trade
Warehouse management
Transportation management
Create products and product masters in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Product information workspace
Concept of a product
Create products
Set up unit conversions
Batch disposition codes
Default order settings
Define products as not stocked
Create product masters with variants
Gain productivity by using the Variant suggestions page
Create and set up category hierarchies and attributes
Set up item pricing
Configure and work with inventory management in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Inbound operations
Outbound operations
Configure inventory dimensions
Configure storage dimensions
Configure tracking dimensions
Configure serial and batch numbers
Allocate batch and serial numbers
Configure sites
Configure warehouses
Transfer orders
Set up bar codes
Set up default order settings
Inventory journals
Work with journals
Inventory journal approval workflows
Work with reason codes
Work with consignment inventory
Configure item groups and item model groups
Inventory cost methodologies
Configure inventory policies
Inventory closing and adjustment
Archive inventory transactions
Work with reason codes for inventory counting
Configure warehouse management in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Roles in warehouse management
Set up warehouse management
Configure the warehouse layout
Configure catch weight processing for warehouse management
Warehouse processes
Reservation hierarchies
Create bill of materials in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Work with the BOM designer
BOM and formula versions
BOM line types
BOM levels
Set up versioned products in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Create an engineering organization
Create nomenclature for product versions
Create product version number rules
Create product dimension groups by using the version dimension
Create product life cycle states
Engineering attributes
Product readiness policies
Product release policies
Create engineering categories
Warehouse implementation experience in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Enable warehousing telemetry
Warehouse implementation workspace
Wizard-driven setup of Warehouse Management parameters
Wizard-driven warehouse configuration
Simplified query view of location directives
Inbound warehouse operations using Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Inbound operations
Inbound advanced shipping notices
Cross dock products from receiving warehouse to stores
Create a GTIN code for a product
Wizard-driven setup of Warehouse Management parameters
Outbound warehouse operations using Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Outbound operations
Warehouse work
Cluster picking
Packing and containerization
Packing containers with the Warehouse Management mobile app
Transfer orders and replenishment
Execute across warehouse operations in Dynamics 365 Warehouse Management
Cycle counting
Material handling equipment interface
Warehouse management mobile device configuration using Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Global mobile device parameters
Set up and deploy GS1 and QR bar codes
Set up work type menu items
Set up mobile app step instructions
Set up detours for steps in mobile device menu items
Work with the costing sheet in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Costing versions
Cost groups
Calculation groups
Costing sheets
BOM calculations
BOM Measurements
BOM Reports
Configure and use agreements in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Work with trade agreements
Create sales agreements
Create purchase agreements
Configure trade allowance management
Configure brokerage contract management
Configure royalty contract management
Configure vendor rebates
Rebate management module
Use inventory reports in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
ABC inventory classification
Physical inventory by inventory dimension report
Inventory value report
Inventory on-hand report storage
Inventory on-hand mobile workspace
Configure and work with quality control and quality management in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure quality management
Perform quality control and management processes
Describe transactions types and create quality orders
Apply inventory blocking
Perform quarantine management
Work with assets in Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
All assets page
Create an asse
Multi-level assets
Copy an asset or asset structure
Move, remove, and install an asset
Create assets based on purchase orders
Asset bills of materials
Asset event history
Asset view
Asset attribute overview
Use preventive and reactive maintenance in Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Maintenance plans
Interval types
Assign a maintenance plan to an asset
Schedule maintenance plans
Maintenance rounds
Maintenance schedule
Maintenance schedule cost
Maintenance downtime
Create and manage work orders in Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Manually create work orders
Maintenance forecasts
Procurement of work order purchase requisitions
Bill customers for maintenance work
Manual update of asset counters
Automatic update of asset counters
Maintenance checklists
Schedule work orders in Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure workers for work order scheduling
Schedule and dispatch work orders
Calculate capacity load on scheduled work orders
Configure and perform the procure-to-purchase process in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Procurement scenario
Overview of the procure-to-purchase process
Set up procurement categories
Use procurement catalogs
Create a purchase requisition
Create and process a request for quotation
Create purchase orders
Vendor categories and catalogs
Evaluate a vendor and put a vendor on hold
Use purchasing policies
Process purchase orders in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Set up purchasing parameters
Use purchase order change management
Use Item arrivals and Arrival overview
Manage over/under delivery for purchase orders
Manage charges for purchase orders
Create vendor returns
Configure and manage vendor collaboration in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Purchase order statuses with vendor collaboration
Configure vendor collaboration
Maintain vendor certification
Set up vendor collaboration security roles
Use the Vendor collaboration invoicing workspace
Define purchase order response information
Work with purchase orders when vendor collaboration is used
Purchase order statuses and versions
Sharing information about consignment inventory
Work with request for quotes
Purchase order confirmation workspace
Accessing vendor master data in the Vendor information workspace
Set up accounts receivable in Dynamics 365 Finance
Payment schedule
Terms of payment and payment days
Cash discounts
Payment fees
Set up the credit card payment service
Methods of payment and payment control
Set up a payment calendar and payment calendar rules
Create and maintain customers
Set up customer posting profiles
Configure accounts receivable charges
Convert prospects in Dynamics 365 Sales to customers in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Prerequisites and mapping setup
Sales quotations
Sales orders
Dual-write solution for Sales
Demonstration - Create and edit sales quotations
Configure and manage the order to cash process in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Sales and marketing overview
Create and confirm sales quotations
Create and process sales orders
Sales order entry scenarios
Sales order picking processes
Configure and use intercompany trade in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Intercompany trading
Set up intercompany trade
Process intercompany chain orders
Set up intercompany agreements and direct deliveries
Set up landed cost in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Landed cost concepts and terminology
Landed cost parameters
Set up voyages and shipping containers
Set up delivery information
Set up multi-leg journeys
Set up shipping information
Set up costing parameter values
General ledger integration configuration
Vendor settings for Landed cost
Manage transportation management in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Planning transportation management
Configure transportation management
Routing and transportation flows
Load building strategy
Transportation management engines
Bill of lading
Plan freight transportation routes with multiple stops
Reconcile freight in transportation management
Use warehouse management for manufacturing in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Production output location
Staging and order picking
Release BOM and formula lines to the warehouse
Planned cross docking
Visibility into material exceptions
Set up Master Planning in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Master planning considerations and set up
Master planning parameters page
Create a master plan
Coverage settings
Action messages
Demand Forecasting
Run plans and firm planned orders
Set up and use the Supply schedule page
Use master planning in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Set up master planning add-in
Apply filters to a plan
Master planning with demand forecasts
Master planning support for capability-based resource allocation
Priority-based planning
Master planning and purchase trade agreements
Safety margins
Coverage time fences
Approved planned orders
Generate planned production orders
Analyze and approve planned orders
Planning with negative on-hand quantities
View history and planning logs
Cancel a planning job
Describe warehouse and inventory management capabilities in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Describe costing methods
Describe item arrival journals and cross-docking
Describe inventory reservations, picking and packing, replenishment, and shipments
Describe inventory counting and inventory on-hand concepts
Describe quality management capabilities
Describe use cases for Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Describe use cases for Transportation Management Systems
Dieses Training richtet sich an den Functional Consultant für Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. Der Functional Consultant für Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management entwickelt und konfiguriert Anwendungen so, dass sie den Anforderungen des Kunden entsprechen. Er analysiert die geschäftlichen Anforderungen und setzt diese in Form von Geschäftsprozessen und Lösungen um, die branchenübliche Best Practices implementieren. Functional Consultants spezialisieren sich auf eine oder mehrere der folgenden Featuregruppen in Dynamics: Finanzen, Fertigung oder Supply Chain Management. Gemeinsam mit Architekten, Entwicklern, Administratoren und anderen Beteiligten arbeitet ein Functional Consultant an Lösungen, die die Anforderungen der Kunden erfüllen oder übertreffen.
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