MB-820T00: Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer

Ein Dynamics 365 Business Central-Entwickler entwickelt Anwendungen, die Business Central erweitern. Dies kann die Erstellung neuer Module und die Änderung bestehender Module umfassen. Der Entwickler kann mit Hilfe von Ereignissen neue Geschäftslogik hinzufügen oder bestehende Geschäftslogik ändern. Ein Entwickler ermöglicht auch die Integration von Business Central mit anderen Anwendungen, einschließlich Microsoft Power Platform-Produkten. Business Central-Entwickler sind für die Fehlersuche und -behebung im System verantwortlich. Dazu kann es gehören, die Grundursache eines Problems zu identifizieren, Fehler zu beheben und die Lösung zu testen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie wie erwartet funktioniert. Business Central-Entwickler müssen unter Umständen die Leistung des Systems optimieren, indem sie Engpässe identifizieren und die Codequalität verbessern. Business Central-Entwickler sind für die Aktualisierung des Systems, die Migration von Daten und die Wartung des Systems verantwortlich, um sicherzustellen, dass es auf dem neuesten Stand und sicher bleibt.

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Wichtige Information

Dieses Training behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Examen: Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Business Central-Entwicklungsmitarbeiter

Was werden Sie in diesem Training erlernen?


Start your free Dynamics 365 Business Central trial
Introduction - Create your own Business Central account
Sign in to Business Central
Use a demo database
Start a trial with your own data
Extend your trial and subscribe or unsubscribe your organization
Introduction to the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Introduction to Business Central
Identify available subscription types for Business Central
Explore the relationship management functionality
Use Dynamics 365 Sales with Business Central
Discover supply chain management capabilities
Process and administer the purchase cycle
Process and administer the sales cycle
Send documents to customers
Explore how to administer jobs
Discover service management capabilities
Business Central manufacturing capabilities
Business Central Human Resources capabilities
In Microsoft 365 experience for Business Central
Customize Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Introduction - Cloud architecture for Business Central
Tailor, extend, and build applications
Prepare for an easy application upgrade experience in Business Central
Understand upgrade responsibilities and best practices
Consider the update lifecycle
Create proper installation and upgrade codeunits
Transfer data between tables using DataTransfer
Manage apps
Detect and avoid breaking changes
Frequently asked questions about updating your Business Central App
Administer Dynamics 365 Business Central online
Introduction - Get started with the Cloud Solution Provider program
Extend a trial for a customer
Access the administration center
Manage sandbox and production environments
Set up tenant notifications
Inspect environment telemetry and troubleshoot issues
Export databases
Enable features
Monitoring and analyzing telemetry
Analyze performance using the In-client performance profiler
Work with the Performance Toolkit extension
Configure a BCPT suite
Use APIs for automation and administration
Manage users and implement security in Business Central
Introduction - Add users
Create user groups
Implement permissions and permission sets
Configure user access times and logging
Understand users, profiles, and role centers
Perform user-specific setup
Auditing changes
Introduction to the development environment for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Get started with Visual Studio Code
Install the AL language extension in Visual Studio Code
Discover the logical database and its objects
Differentiate the base app and the system app
Create a new Business Central extension in Visual Studio Code
Work with JSON configuration files
Configure the AL language extension
Manage multiple AL extensions in one workspace
Debug and deploy your extension in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Debug your extension with Visual Studio Code
Use attach and debug with attach configurations
Implement snapshot debugging
Work with Rapid Application Development
Publish and install an extension
Set Resource Exposure Policy settings
Configure projects and workspaces
Use AL code actions
Work with the Business Central Performance Toolkit
Use Database Wait Statistics
Work with pages in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Get started with pages
Identify different page types
Configure the different page properties
Build a page layout by using controls
Link pages with page parts
Use snippets in Visual Studio Code to create pages
Set different control properties
Enable users to search for a page
Define actions on a page and its properties
Design the data model of a report in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Create report data items and their properties
Add columns to a report dataset
Link, order, and indent data items
Use a query to create a report dataset
Work with codeunits in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Create and access a codeunit
Get started with XMLports
Work with XMLports in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Get started with XMLports
Configure different XMLport properties
Define nodes and their properties
Design XMLports
Create an XMLport by using snippets in Visual Studio Code
Use XMLports in AL code
Work with entitlements and permission sets in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Get started with entitlements and permissions
Create entitlements and permission sets
Override entitlements with inherent permissions
Work with queries in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Get started with queries
Create a query in Visual Studio Code
Join data in queries
Filter data in queries
Aggregate and sort data in a query
Access queries from AL
Advanced query concepts
Build control add-in objects in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Apply the Business Central look and feel
Build a control add-in for Business Central
Asynchronous considerations for control add-ins
Connect control add-ins with Azure Functions
Customize the UI experience in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Add objects to search
Create page customizations
Create profiles in application language
Use and create views in application language
Extend application areas
Identify functional table types and characteristics in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Define the different functional table types and characteristics
Create master tables
Create supplemental tables
Create subsidiary tables
Create ledger tables
Create register tables
Create journal tables
Create document tables
Create setup tables
Introduction to the basics of AL programming in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Get started with application language
Work with identifiers, syntax, and variables
Discover intrinsic data types
Options and enums
Work with collections
Use assignments and type conversions
Define different expression types
Learn about application performance and monitoring in Business Central
Prepare your application for optimal performance
Get essential Application Insights
Work with source control using Git in Visual Studio Code for Business Central
Configure Git
Compare and contrast local and remote repositories
Create a local Git repository
Use the .gitignore file
Add and remove files in Git
Get the status of your Git repository
Use a remote Git repository
Clone a remote Git repository
Work with a remote Git Repository
Use Application Lifecycle Management for Business Central
Create an Azure DevOps organization
Manage Azure DevOps Projects
Introduction to Azure DevOps Services
Connect to Azure DevOps via Personal Access Tokens
Introduction to GitHub
Introduction to test automation in Business Central
Test applications in Business Central
Install and run the Test Toolkit
Run the standard tests
Create your own test codeunits with a test app
Use Power Automate with Business Central
Explore Business Central triggers in Power Automate
Create a Power Automate flow from scratch
Create customer, vendor and item approvals in Power Automate
Create approvals in a general journal with Power Automate
Create documents approvals with Power Automate
Create Power Automate flows for different business scenarios
Create a button or instant flow in Power Automate
Run a Power Automate flow on a schedule
Troubleshoot and monitor flows
Access REST services from within Dynamics 365 Business Central
Use the different HTTP classes and their functions
Get data from and send data to an external REST service
Use and read JSON in Business Central
Get JSON data from external REST services
Use Azure Functions with Dynamics 365 Business Central
Create basic Azure functions
Create an Azure function
Use an Azure function in Business Central
Work with web services in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Define differences between SOAP, OData, REST, and API
Web service authentication
Enable access to OData web services
Work with different OData return documents
Request records with OData
Work with OData query options
Create new records with OData
Update records with OData
Use SOAP web services
Request records with SOAP
Handle UI interaction when working with web services
Work with the API in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Access Business Central API
Tips for working with APIs
Work with API limits
Create new APIs
Read, create, and update by using API
API and OData bound actions
Kandidaten für dieses Training sind Entwickler, Software-Ingenieure, Architekten, technische Berater, technische Consultants, User Experience Leads oder haben eine Kombination dieser Fähigkeiten.
Grundlegende Kenntnisse in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung Versiertheit mit AL-Programmierung Verständnis der Datenbankkonzepte Kenntnisse in Visual Studio Code
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